#ThrowbackThursday South Beach Memories & Following Jane

It’s another Throwback Thursday and today I’m taking you back to some fun memories in Miami! We went there for a number of years with our daughter and stayed in South Beach. Those trips inspired a number of books set there, including my contribution to the Dangerous Dozen Romantic Suspense Boxed Set, TO CATCH HER MAN.

I loved walking around and snapping pictures of all the different places that I would one day incorporate into my books. One of the places we visited and which is mentioned in TO CATCH HER MAN, is the Miami Seaquarium. I remember visiting as a child and going home with a giant stuffed Flipper plush doll.

During one of our trips my daughter and I hammed it up as a diver and his mermaid catch!


Speaking of my daughter, her debut novel, FOLLOWING JANE, is getting really nice reviews and is now specially priced for .99 cents. I hope you’ll take a moment to check it out.

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