#TransformationTuesday – What’s the best workout?

A lot of you have been asking what I’ve been doing to lose so much weight – almost 37 pounds since the start of the year. First I have to say diet is a key factor. For me, it was drastically cutting back on the carbs that I normally ate. No more Friday night casual pizza meals. No more Sunday pasta. Rice. Bread. Yes, I dream of them but only eat them on occasion because clearly my body just packs them on as pounds.

As for workouts, the best workout for you is one that you can do on a regular basis. There is nothing worse than setting unreasonable goals for yourself that you can’t keep. That will just set you up for failure. So how about starting off slow? If you normally walk ten minutes a day, try doing it for twenty or do it twice. Exercise is cumulative. Same things for lifting weights. I didn’t start off deadlifting 125 pounds, it took time to get there.

How do I work out? I mix things up! Twice a week I do the elliptical for 40 minutes, but I also walk at least 4 miles a day. I walk to and from my office once I get to the city and then every hour I get up and stretch my legs. I also do strength training twice a week. That involves a combination of weights, suspension exercises, as well as flexibility and balance routines. Friday night is a rest night. On the weekends I try to get in two long walks, usually at least 2 or 3 miles during each of the walks. My morning walk is brisk. My afternoon/evening stroll is leisurely.

I hope that helps you plan for your transformation!