When I had my full-time job I used to dread Mondays and going back to work. I don’t dread them anymore now that I’m writing full-time because writing is my dream job! It was especially tough when it was either snowing or raining. It’s pouring today but I’m actually happy about that since we really could use the showers after weeks without a drop. It also makes it easier to just huddle here in my office to write. I’m on my comfy futon, covered with my soft Villanova blanket, television on while l sip my coffee. Yes, I write with the television on and I know some people find that weird, but after years of writing on the train while I commuted, noise and action don’t bother me. Today I’m watching Ted K which claims to be a reenactment of the Unabomber’s actions as told through his own words in his manifesto. You may want to check it out! As for the writing, I’m still working on the first book in the SBS K-9 series and it’s really moving along well. I’m really pleased with it and I think you’ll love Matt, Teresa, and Butter, the heroes of the book! For this rainy Monday, I’ll leave you with the Carpenters and this thought: May your coffee be strong and your Monday be short.