Eagerly Trying to Stay Organized

Since we’ve downsized space has become an issue so we’ve set up some basic rules on how to keep from getting cluttered. The first rule is that when something new comes in something old has to go out. That applies to a whole bunch of things, including books sadly. Another thing that I’ve tried to do is watch the pennies, especially with all that’s happening with the economy. So I’d been eyeballing this set of dishware at Costco all summer long, but I refused to buy it unless it went on sale. It didn’t and disappeared from stores but guess what? It was on special online and there was no fee for shipping so I bought it! Pennies pinched but now I have to deal with getting rid of something else. Sigh. Time to look through all the kitchen plates and clear out other things to make room for the new plates. I can’t wait to use them next summer with their seaside theme just like my At the Shore series. What about you? Do you have any tips for staying organized in your home?
caridad Staying organized