Free Read from Brickell Avenue Ambush

This Write Wednesday I’m sharing an excerpt from Brickell Avenue Ambush, #2 in the South Beach Security romantic suspense series. As I mentioned, I love this story about ordinary people pulled into extraordinary situations. Not only do Ricky and Mariela have to stop Mariela’s abusive ex-husband from hurting her, they also have to stop him from possibly killing dozens of people. In this scene, Ricky and Mariela are going out to inspect a construction site that may hold the key to saving those lives when they are attacked by an unknown assailant. You can find out more about the series at


He’ll keep her safe
Even as their attraction intensifies with every hot Miami night…

Mariela Hernandez has a target on her back, thanks to her abusive ex-husband’s latest plot. Teaming up with Ricky Gonzalez and his family’s respected private security firm is her only chance at survival. Keeping the vulnerable woman safe isn’t easy. Neither is denying their growing attraction. But with bullets flying, Ricky will risk it all to be the hero Mariela needs….


Mariela raised the binoculars and surveyed the construction location. He was right that it was far from typical. She’d been on many a job site to show investors around and they’d always been a hub of activity. “It’s not,” she said and zoomed in to look at where a number of workers sat on a large pile of steel beams, playing a game of cards.

“It looks like they’ve driven the steel piles for securing the foundation. That usually means they’d be pouring concrete by now,” she explained and handed Ricky the binoculars.

He was about to raise them when the windshield of the speedboat suddenly cracked, and a Sea-Doo raced past them. The rider turned, his face mostly hidden by the cowl of the wetsuit he wore, and fired at them again, shattering another section on the windshield.

Mariela ducked down, but Ricky whipped out a gun and opened fire on the Sea-Doo. The rider must have thought better of attacking again and sped away from them, bouncing across the waves created by the wake of a passing boat.

“Hang on,” Ricky said, whipped their boat around and chased after the Sea-Doo, catching up to it easily with the greater power of the speedboat.

Ricky stayed on the tail of the Sea-Doo, trying to get a better look at the rider, but as the Sea-Doo turned toward land, Ricky had to slow down and then stop. The large outboard engines, which had given him the speed to catch up to their shooter, prevented him from entering the shallower waters.

He banged his hand in frustration against the steering wheel and cursed. “He got away. Are you okay?”

“Bounced around a little, but okay otherwise,” she said.

“We need to head back, but first…” He whipped out his phone and dialed Trey. When his brother answered, he said, “We were attacked again. Rider on a Sea-Doo. He was headed toward the eastern side of Bal Harbour the last time I saw him.”

“How do you know it’s a ‘him’?” Trey asked.

“Too big and bulky for a woman. He had the same build as the person who shot at us yesterday,” he said, recalling what he’d seen of the watercraft rider and yesterday’s attacker.

“I’ll call some friends on the force there and have them ask around at the local marinas. He has to pull in somewhere,” Trey said.

“Thanks. We’re headed back to the house,” he said, but plopped into the captain’s chair as his knees suddenly felt weak.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Mariela asked and laid a hand on his chest, directly above his heart.

He took hold of her hand and brought it to his lips. “I’m fine. Just a little shaken, as I imagine you are.”

“I am. I’ll be better once we’re home,” she said with a smile.

Home. The word sounded nice coming off her lips. Those full lips that he’d thought about last night as he’d finally drifted off to sleep. He found himself shifting toward her, closer and closer to those lips he wanted to taste until the rev of an engine reminded him they weren’t safe out here on open water.

He stroked a hand across her cheek, trailing his thumb along the line of her lips. “Let’s go home.”


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romance novel series