My New Garden Project

The last few weeks have been hectic with spring gardening, preparing for the new grandbaby, and finishing the first book in the new South Beach Security Colorado K-9 (tentative) series. The tentative title is RESCUE IN REGINA and it revisits the characters in COLD CASE REOPENED which is the first book where you meet Sophie and Robbie Whitaker, cousins who work with SBS in Miami. But now I need a little break before starting on the second book in the series as well as a new women’s fiction book that’s been percolating in my head. What’s the break? A new garden project! When one of my neighbors asked if we could switch out our bench for some new chairs, I realized it was the perfect opportunity to play with the bench since it was due for a refurbish. I’m busy painting the wood as well as giving the back panel some zing. What do you think? P.S. – If you love women’s fiction/romance of books, you can read the first 10 chapters of SUNSHINE AFTER RAIN for free on Kindle Vella. Start your journey into this story about three women learning to embrace life and love once more at

garden project