Seasons of a Garden

Just like there are seasons to a year, there are seasons to a garden, especially if you’re growing perennials. This time of year is one of my favorites since the day lilies are up and blooming. My love of day lilies started when one of my father’s friend’s wives gave my mom a small bunch of daylilies straight out of her garden. My mom planted them in our Long Island home and they thrived. I took a small bunch of them to the garden in our first apartment and I have taken a piece of them to every home that I’ve had. I love that sense of history in my garden. Some of these daylilies are in my townhouse’s common areas since I’m now the head of the landscaping committee but they all came from my prior home where the deer had almost decimated them. Now I get to see them bloom in all their glory along with a number of other flowers in my container garden. It’s been a great year so far and I look forward to sharing other flowers with you as my garden’s seasons change. P.S. – I really have to work on another book with a garden lover! The last one I did with that was MORE THAN A MISSION, a romantic suspense about a chef who may be an assassin who poisoned a prince. P.P.S. – One of my fav garden centers is Barlow’s Flower Farm in Sea Girt. I’ve bought many of my plants there!

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