Meet Hero Carlos Ruiz

One of the best parts of writing a story is coming up with the characters and giving them unique attributes to bring them alive for readers. In ESCAPE THE EVERGLADES, the hero is ex-Marine Carlos Ruiz, a widower with a ten-year-old son. Carlos lost his wife in car crash and is now raising his son alone while also running an Everglades tour company. A determined environmentalist, Carlos uses his business and skills to try and preserve the unique Everglades habitat. It is during a trip to check on a female jaguar that Carlos had tagged that he and his son run across poachers stealing alligator eggs. Although Carlos and his son are able to escape when the poachers fire on them, a series of incidents at the business force Carlos to call on his friend and SBS head Trey Gonzalez for protection. I loved writing Carlos who is a dedicated single dad and business owner. Carlos has a big and loving heart and it was a joy to bring him together with SBS K-9 Agent Natalie Rodriguez. I hope you’ll love him too! Snag your copy today at

romance alpha hero

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