Meet K-9 Heroine Missy

One of the most fun things about writing the South Beach Security K-9 Division Spinoff was learning about all the different breeds of dogs that would be the heroes in the stories and matching each dog to the story that would best show off their skills. For ESCAPE THE EVERGLADES which as you might guess is set in the Everglades, I chose Labrador Retriever Missy to be the heroine because Labs are great in watery situations and are also great for search and rescue. What was also interesting was creating backstories for the K-9s in much the same way I would for the main protagonists. Missy was K-9 Agent Natalie’s partner in the Army and both were injured in battle when an IED exploded near them. Both Natalie and Missy were injured and still suffer from their time in military service. It was important for me to highlight those issues that so many of our military men and women carry around and give Natalie and Missy a happily ever after! If you love stories with action, military heroes, and romance, this might be the book for you! Snag your copy today at

K-9 heroine