Happy National Kitten Day

I love dogs but my work and travel schedule has never allowed for having one. But I have had cats and I do love them! My current fur baby Slate was rescued from a duo of feral cats who had a litter of kittens. We had started feeding them when they were kittens and they would visit everyday. One day we discovered they’d had kittens and it wasn’t long before the kittens started visiting. We decided to adopt one and also take care of the other cats so they would be safe. Imagine our surprise when one day the cats and kittens left our little Slate in a pot on our deck. He was all by himself and we took him in. He was incredibly calm and friendly and was a wonderful addition to our family. He’s also polydactyl and has 7 or 8 toes on his front paws. P.S. – I haven’t written any books with cats amazingly although FBI Agent Diana Reyes in DARKNESS CALLS does joke about getting one instead of falling for Southern vampire Ryder Latimer. LOL! You can download your copy of this vampire romantic suspense at https://amzn.to/4cM4Slm.

National Kitten Day