Where are the butterflies?

As you know from several posts, I’m big into gardening! It’s all organic gardening as well since I want to support all our pollinators and other animals. With my choice of pollinator-friendly flowers this year, I’ve had loads of bees and other small beneficial insects. But I haven’t had a lot of butterflies! I know the swallowtails have been around since I saw one of their caterpillars chomping on my parsley and it’s been eaten several times much like they do, but so far, only one lonely butterfly. The landscaper for our townhouses was by and he also asked me about it since he hasn’t seen all that many this year. What about you? How are the butterflies doing in your area? P.S. Honestly no book recommendation that features butterflies surprisingly! But if you get a chance, help a girl out by reading the first 10 chapters of EVERYDAY HAPPINESS for free at https://amzn.to/4csplf0.
