Exciting New Coasters

A couple of weeks ago I shared my new coasters and asked if you wanted book covers on them. So many of you said that I should put the book covers on and I want to THANK YOU for the suggestion. I tried using just one cover but because of the proportions of a typical book cover, it wasn’t working with the square coaster. So I decided to use ALL the covers in the original South Beach Security series as well as those in the new K-9 division spinoff. I LOVE HOW THEY LOOK! What about you? What do you think? I’ll be giving away a dozen of these along with a dozen copies of one of my backlist books in this month’s newsletter. You can sign up for the newsletter at https://bit.ly/CaridadsNewsletter. If you haven’t read the books in the SBS series yet, download your copies today at https://amzn.to/3LUQxYf.
