The Elusive and Exciting Century Plant

My husband sent me an article he read about the Century Plant at Longwood Gardens being in bloom and of course, my sister and I had to go see it for ourselves! We made the nearly two hour trip to one of our favorite places and went in search of the Century Plant. Along the way we were able to see so many beautiful orchids and other flowers until we reached the cactus area of the conservatory where the glass panes of the conservatory roof had been taken out to allow the century plant to bloom. A good ten or more feet of the bloom escaped into the sky! The Century Plant doesn’t bloom very often and while it doesn’t take one hundred years, it can take as much as twenty-five years for the plant to bloom so we weren’t going to miss out on this. The bloom will be visible through the early fall when we’ll be back to Longwood to see the opening of their new additions to the gardens. What do you think? Would you take a trek to see what might be a once-in-a-lifetime bloom? P.S. If you love books with people who love gardens, check out MORE THAN A MISSION, my romantic suspense about a chef who might be an assassin. Her garden which provides some of the herbs and spices for her cooking, but maybe also for poisoning a prince! Download your copy at

century plant