Excited to Move This or That

I love playing This or That with you and finding out more about you based on what you choose! It’s been really enlightening, especially when it comes to choosing things like fav Man Candy attributes. Unfortunately, the posts have been so popular that Facebook has been taking them down for violating Community Standards. Facebook is now warning that they may limit my Fan Page and/or even remove it. Because of that, I’ll be moving my This or That post to the blog and to thank you for visiting there, I’ll be picking someone to win a $10 gift card for leaving a comment on that blog post. Look for a new This or That on Tuesday, September 3! THANK YOU!


3 Replies to “Excited to Move This or That”

  1. The book of faces is really getting on my nerves. That said, I’m a solid That kind of person. I’d rather This, but it is ridiculously priced, and I can never seem to validate the expense.

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