Happy Birthday in Heaven

Today is my mom’s birthday and I want to wish her a Happy Birthday in Heaven. Sadly, my mom has been gone from my life for way too long. My mom was a huge influence in my life. She was a friend, a mentor, and a wonderful mother. She worked so hard to give us opportunities so we would be able to achieve the American Dream which we did. In Cuba, she fought for freedom only to be betrayed by Castro. It was a betrayal that she carried as a burden for all her life. Despite that, she taught us the importance of freedom and the amazing gift that we have to be Americans. I am forever grateful for all that she did for her family. I miss my mom every day but know that she is looking down at us and proud of what we’ve become. I hope she is able to see little Axel as well.

happy birthday

One Reply to “Happy Birthday in Heaven”

  1. Happy Birthday to your Mom in Heaven! Thank you for sharing a bit of her story. And hugs to you. Missing our Moms is just so hard.

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