Never Forget 9-11

As you can imagine from yesterday’s post, this time of year is always rough for me because my mom is no longer with me. But then came 9-11 and so many things would never be the same. My husband and I were in New York City that fateful day. My husband had called me early that morning to tell me that a plane had flown into one of the Towers. A short time later, I watched from the windows of my office as the second plane flew down the skyscraper canyons of Manhattan and then plowed into the second Tower. It was almost as if we were seeing a movie only it was anything but that. The fear was real as we rushed to leave the city and get home to our daughter. The fear was real in the days after. But then fear turned to anger and pain at the loss of so many innocent people. The weeks after 9-11 were difficult on multiple levels. It was hard to see the posters with the smiling faces of the fathers, mothers, daughters, sons, brothers, sisters, and friends who would never come home. I will never forget 9-11-2001. I will also never forget 9-11-2012 and the attack in Benghazi that took the lives of four Americans. Terrorism is an evil thing and I pray that one day we will no longer have that scourge in our world.

never forget 9-11

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