This or That: Tacos or Burgers

My daughter has the ritual of having tacos on Taco Tuesday but I’m not as regimented as that. I normally make tacos whenever I pull some ground beef from the fridge. But when I do that, it also gets me thinking that maybe I should make a burger instead. Such a tough choice because I love both tacos and burgers. I have to confess, however, that burgers are probably my favorite food so you know what my this or that choice would be. How about you? If you had to choose whether tonight’s meal would be tacos or a burger, what would you choose? P.S. There’s no doubt that CIA Agent Bill Santana from THE FIFTH KINGDOM would choose tacos, especially since he’s in Mexico, tracking down terrorists who want to get their hands on an ancient relic that supposedly has secret powers. You can grab your copy of this action-packed romantic suspense novel for only 99 cents at P.P.S. I’ll be announcing the winner of last week’s gift card a little later this week!

tacos or burgers

2 Replies to “This or That: Tacos or Burgers”

  1. I make tacos only when one of my three sons requests it. It is usually when the middle is home or the youngest and oldest have a day off from work.
    Hubby and I generally make hamburgers since it is just us eating. Plus it’s quick.

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