Congrats to the Giveaway Winner

You guys did an amazing job with The Family She Never Met giveaway! We had over 1200 entries and I want to thank everyone who took the time to enter and share. It is much appreciated. I hope you will take a moment to check out The Family She Never Met which will be available tomorrow. And now…drum roll…the winner as chosen by random dot org is Vicki James. Vicki, please PM your email and mailing addresses so I can get your prizes out to you.

You can order The Family She Never Met at the following retailers and a shoutout to Barnes & Noble for their support for this book!


Amazon Kindle:
Amazon Paperback:
Apple Books:
BN Nook:
BN Paperback:
Additional Retailers:

The Family She Never Met Caridad Romance Novel Romance Author

Congratulations to the Celebrate Romantic Suspense Winner

Wow, you guys were great during the Celebrate Romantic Suspense giveaway! We had nearly 1000 entries in the contest and thank you to all who participated. I’ve chosen a winner using random dot org and the winner is: Nicki O. Congratulations, Nicki!

For those of you who love Romantic Suspense, don’t forget to check out Decoy Training, my March Harlequin Intrigue release! It’s #1 in the K-9s on Patrol series and I think you’ll love this story, especially if you’re a dog lover! It was a lot of fun to learn all about dog training and incorporate that into a thrilling and romantic story.

Caridad Contest Winner

Happy National Dress Up Your Pet Day

Our fur baby Slate is a very social and easy-going cat. Because of that, we’ve been able to dress him up on occasion. When my daughter was getting married, she had a Jane Austen meets the Golden Girls theme (two of her favorites) and her colors were rose gold and plum. Of course, Slate didn’t want to get left out of the wedding celebrations so we had to make sure he was properly dressed. Hubby found this great outfit for him, but sadly, Slate wasn’t able to attend the wedding due to a prior engagement: a nice nap in the sun. LOL! How about you? Do you ever dress up your fur babies? Also, don’t forget you’ve still got time to enter my Celebrate Romantic Suspense Contest at

P.S. – According to NationalDay.Com, National Dress Up Your Pet Day was started in 2009 by Colleen Paige, a pet lifestyle expert and animal behaviorist.

Caridad’s Celebrate Romantic Suspense Giveaway

I love that I’m writing romantic suspense again and to celebrate that and my upcoming March 29 release, Decoy Training, I’m having this giveaway! Just earn points for a chance to win autographed copies of Trapping a Terrorist, Darkness Calls, Cold Case Reopened, a Book Lover notepad and pen, NovelTea Chai Latte Tea Tin, bookmark, and $10 Gift Card! You must use your email to login in to the contest, but do not fear. Your email will not be shared with anyone else and will only be used to notify you in case you win! Contest ends at 11:30 pm EST on Sunday, January 16, 2022. To enter the contest please visit my Facebook Fan Page.
Caridad romantic suspense giveaway contest

Most Excellent Book Giveaway

I’ve got some romance author friends with me today on my Facebook Page and they’ve got an awesome giveaway for you! To celebrate the release of their Candlewood Falls winter books, they’re giving away the fall books in the CF world. Just visit my Facebook Page and tag a friend and share the post for a chance to win a collection of their romance novels. You can check out the other books in the Candlewood Falls world at

caridad friends Candlewood Falls Romance Novels

South Beach Love Movie Premiere Giveaway Winners

Sorry for the delay but I was at a conference and am just getting back to normal! Thank you all so much for celebrating the release of the South Beach Love movie! It was so exciting and even better because you all were with me for this wonderful event. The winners are:

    Grand Prize: Shannon Rush (book, $100 and other goodies)
    Second Chance Prizes: Nicki Ortiz ($50) and Paula Johnson ($25)

Look for another giveaway soon to celebrate the release of Trapping a Terrorist and please show my 25th Harlequin book some love at
South Beach Love Hallmark Publishing