Happy Book Birthday

I love writing for Harlequin Intrigue and I love being a part of the Intrigue author family! I want to wish this month’s authors a very Happy Book Birthday! Congrats Juno Rushdan, BJ Daniels, R. Barri Flowers, Cindy Myers, Carol Ericson, and Barb Han. Wishing you many sales and many good reviews. You can download these wonderful reads at https://amzn.to/3T1QHBb. P.S. If you like Harlequin Intrigue books, please take a moment to check out mine at https://amzn.to/3WXPxrx.

harlequin intrigue

Let’s Celebrate Women Everywhere!

It’s Women’s History Month and today is also International Women’s Day so what better time to share with you some women who I think you should get to know! They are fellow authors whose work I respect and many of them are my friends. If you have a moment, please take the time to find out more about them and their books. I know you will not be disappointed! They are all amazing authors and many of them support wonderful causes, like Katie Mettner who advocates for representation of people with disabilities and Sharon Hamilton who is a staunch supporter of our military men and women, and their families. In fact, Sharon and I will be taking part in an anthology in April that will support the Stop Soldier Suicide organization. Our goal is to make a difference in the lives of our brave soldiers and their families. So, please take a moment to visit with these amazing women and tell them Caridad sent you!

women authors