#HumpDay – Lots of things happening

Crazy crazy times we’re living in. Pandemic. Another tropical storm. I miss seeing friends and all my writing pals and I’m sad for those who may have lost loved ones or have fallen ill. I’ve been hanging in there, doing lots of writing. I’ve finished my March 2021 release for Harlequin Intrigue and a longer novel for Sourcebooks. That’s the one where I’ve included real-life stories from my family’s history. Now I’m working on my June 2021 Hallmark release as well as another Intrigue story for October 2021. If that wasn’t busy enough, I’m trying to get a re-release done of WINNING SEASON, one of my baseball romances that I did for Encanto. But is it a re-release if it wasn’t ever released years ago? This story got caught up with the Encanto line closing and I was so excited about doing a baseball romance. I hope you’ll be excited to read it. In the meantime, don’t forget I’ve got a contest going on at Wild for Westerns from Harlequin to celebrate the launch of that Facebook Group and the March 2021 release of COLD CASE REOPENED which is set in Colorado! Hope you are having an easy Hump Day and hang in there. To enter the contest, please visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/290667098916318/permalink/300981161218245/.

hump day happenings

#HumpDay – Getting an Early Dose of Spring

Monday’s weather here in NJ was a blessing! It was so warm I was able to drive around with the top down on my 20- year-old Sebring convertible. Keeps me going until Spring arrives, but just in case, today we’re doing a visit to Longwood Gardens for their annual orchid show and next week, my birthday week, it’s a visit to the Philadelphia Flower Show. Woo hoo! But for today’s Hump Day, I’m leaving you with some photos from fabulous Dearborn Market Orchid Show. I went there with friends and we had a great time checking out all the amazing flowers. I even bought one orchid plant and am hoping I won’t kill it. LOL! If it survives and flowers I’ll share some photos with you!