Wicked Wednesday – Take a Visit to the Nocturne Author’s Blog

This morning I’m blogging over at the Harlequin Nocturne Author’s blog! Stop by and leave a comment at the Harlequin blog for a chance to win a CALLING T-shirt and an autographed copy of HOLIDAY WITH A VAMPIRE, one of my favorites. All comments must be left by midnight EST on Friday, May 22.

Just click here or cut and paste this link into your browser:

Thoughtful Thursday – Time Flies

timeFirst of all, my apologies for not getting a Wicked Wednesday offering for you, but I ran out of time yesterday for a number of reasons.

In the morning I was busy finalizing the next vampire book – ARDOR CALLS – which will be out sometime in 2010. Then I had to pick up my daughter from school since she just finished her finals. It was a mad day of rushing around and watching time fly by.

Which brings up this Thoughtful Thursday topic – Time.

It’s been the subject of two of my favorite shows – FRINGE and LOST. Probably no wonder about that since J.J. Abrams has his hands in both shows.

But even before that I’ve been fascinated by all the theories of time – that it’s a mobius loop or that each decision we make creates a different branches of time, including one where we made a different decision. Then there’s the whole time seeming slow or fast on any given day.

For me, this year just seems to have gone whizzing by. My hubby feels the same way, so I asked my daughter on the car ride home yesterday, “Did this year seem to go slow for you?” to which she replied, “No, it just went way too fast.”

I was glad to hear she felt the same way, but that’s another theory of time. That it isn’t regular the way we think of it with minutes and hours being a set length. Some people think that a minute in time can actually take be longer or shorter which accounts for our perceptions of it being a fast or slow day.

What do you think? Next time you think the day is going fast, ask someone else? Do they feel the same way? If they do, does that mean that the 24 hours are going much faster than they really are?

Fun Friday – Funny Videos and another contest!

My daughter was home last week from spring break and we spent a Friday night together watching funny videos on Youtube and laughing until we cried. This was one of them and although I don’t normally laugh at people being hurt, the reaction of the lady and her colleagues is just too funny.

As for the contest, visit with me today at http://www.fang-tasticbooks.blogspot.com/ for a chance to learn a little more about The Calling vampire novels and leave a comment for a chance to win a prize.

Undead Uprising

ww.jpgThis Wicked Wednesday I’m doing something different – the excerpt for the first chapter of Undead Uprising is taking part in the Full Moon of Werewolves being run by my friend and fellow author Lori Devoti!

Also one lucky commenter will win a a SINS OF THE FLESH t-shirt along with a copy of TEMPTATION CALLS. Just leave a comment on my blog post to be entered. Winner will be announced at end of the Full Moon promotion. Last day to enter Saturday, March 25th at midnight central U.S. time.

To visit my blog post at Lori’s Full Moon of Werewolves, just click here or cut and past this link into your browser window: http://loridevoti.com/blog/2009/03/25/full-moon-of-werewolves-excerpt-from-caridad-pineiros-undead-uprising-prize/

Fun Friday – Superstitions and Another Contest!

It’s Friday the 13th, so what better Fun Friday discussion than superstitions! Growing up in a Latin household we had a bunch of them and I’ll share just a few that seem to remain with me.

First – No hats on the bed! It’s a symbol of death since the doctor who visited your loved one when they were ill would place their hat on the bed.

Second – No shoes on the bed! Another symbol of death since shoes were placed on the bed when they were preparing your loved one for burial.

Third – Never measure yourself from head to toe with a measuring tape! You guessed it, death again. Why? That’s what the undertaker does to prepare your casket.

What about vampires and the superstitions around them? Well, here’s one poor woman who was buried with a brick in her mouth for fear she was a vampire. Check out this link provided by my dear friend and fellow author Irene Peterson!

You may know some of the more popular vampire superstitions, such as that they can’t come in uninvited, can’t eat garlic, don’t like the cross, have no reflection in a mirror and can’t come out in the sunlight.

Here are some other fun ones you may not know!

  • Spread thorns or poppy seeds in the path leaving the graveyard. The vamp must pick them up and it will take so long, they will not be able to do so before the sun rises. (Courtesy http://www.angelfire.com/mi/bunaziua/vampires.html)
  • Iron shavings, nails or other iron objects could be placed around someone needing protection from a vampire. (Courtesy http://www.pantheon.org/articles/v/vampire.html)
  • Vampires cannot cross running water.
  • In Europe, sprinkling mustard seeds on the roof of a house was said to keep them away. (Courtesy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vampire)

The Kiang-shi (or chiang-shi) vampired depicted in FURY CALLS, has its own rules and superstitions. The Kiang-shi are actually reanimated corpses who hop around draining people of their life energy. They were particularly vicious and had strong sexual drives. Kiang-shi were created after a particularly violent death, an improper burial or dishonor at birth. You’ll see that I’ve included some of these superstitions in the book.

Amazingly, Kiang-shi also have problems with crossing running water, but they traditionally did not drink blood. This is a trait that was added later with the influence of European vampires.

Hope you enjoyed today’s Fun Friday superstitions!

Finally for those who loyally follow the blog, here’s an additional opportunity to win a prize – a copy of a SINS OF THE FLESH T-shirt and a copy of DESIRE CALLS. Just visit my pals at the Five Scribes blog and leave a comment today before midnight EST. Just click here to visit my guest blog there (after 8am EST) or paste this link into your browser: http://fivescribes.blogspot.com/

Also, don’t forget this week’s b’day bash as your chances of leaving a comment to win a prize end at midnight EST tonight! Just visit any of the blogs listed below this week and leave a comment and you’ll be eligible to win a prize from me! At Barbara Vey’s blog, there are tons of other prizes as well!

I’ll be visiting all of these blogs and if you’ve left a comment at any of them, you’ll also be eligible to win a $25 Godiva gift card! The more times I see your name at the different blogs, the more your chances improve to win the gift card. So take a moment and stop by one or all to improve your chances of winning a prize.

The contest ends on Friday, March 13th at midnight EST, so be sure to get your comments in there on time!

Barbara Vey’s Beyond Her Book Blog for lots of fun and giveaways!

Fresh Fiction: http://freshfiction.com/page.php?id=1602

Harlequin Paranormal Romance blog: http://paranormalromanceblog.wordpress.com/

Liberty States Fiction Writers (leave a comment on any of the blog posts): http://www.libertystatesfictionwriters.com/blog-read-around-the-world/

Long and Short Reviews: http://longandshortarchives.blogspot.com/search/label/Caridad%20Pineiro

Wicked Wednesday – HONOR CALLS

HONOR CALLSThe countdown is on for FURY CALLS, the next full length book in THE CALLING Vampire novels, but if you need a fix in the meantime, check out HONOR CALLS, my e-novella Nocturne Bite that’s available now at eharlequin.com.

In HONOR CALLS I’ve brought back a character who may be familiar to some readers – FBI Assistant Director in Charge Jesus Hernandez.

Since DARKNESS CALLS, Jesus has been in the periphery of the stories, advising Diana and her partner during their assignments. Always calm and reserved and functioning by the letter of the law. Honorably discharging his duties until the day he runs into Michaela, a vampire slayer who’s now challenging what Jesus knows to be the right thing to do. What will win out — honor or Michaela’s need for vengeance against the vampires who killed her mother and forever changed Michaela’s existence?

I loved writing about these two and hope to write a full length book in the future. In the meantime, here’s a snippet from HONOR CALLS. This scene happens shortly after Jesus has run into Michaela while she is slaying a vampire.

His physical presence was difficult to ignore. As he shot a glance at her, his dark brown eyes seeming fathomless in the dim light, she hoped he would not prove to be as fascinating as he appeared and tried to dampen her initial interest.

“So you expect me to believe the bouncer was a vampire and that there are other ones here as well?” he said, returning to their earlier conversation. He leaned toward her as he said it and examined the interior of the club.

There were definitely vampires present, she thought, sensing the push of their undead force, but before she got into proving it, she wanted him to buy her a drink. She was low on cash and most men disappeared once they discovered the truth around them.

The truth about her.

Raising her hand, she signaled to a waitress.

As the young woman arrived, Michaela said, “Cuervo shooter.”

Slipping a glance at her companion, she realized he was checking out the waitress, but not in that way. In a vamp way, not that she expected him to pick up on the signs so quickly. She shook her head and he understood, ordered a shooter as well.

The waitress hesitated and Michaela explained. ”You’re new. You’ve got to pay up front.”

He snorted in disbelief, but quickly dug into his pocket, peeled off a twenty from a moderate wad of cash, and tossed the bill on the scarred top of the table, which had obviously seen a great deal of abuse judging from the gouges and scratches in its cheap black formica surface. The waitress immediately scooped up the money and walked away to place their orders.

“Must get nice clientele in here,” he said as he tucked his money away into his pocket. The motion pulled his suit jacket back, exposing the butt of his gun. At an adjacent table, one of the patrons noticed the weapon also and quickly scurried away.

Jesus followed his flight and wondered why the man felt compelled to run. In his line of business, it was an obvious sign of guilt, but in here . . .

He once again peered through the dim interior of the club, checking out the various patrons within and found it amusing that for all their Goth rebelliousness, they were quite uniform in their manner of dress. Lots of black, from the leather and jeans to their hair. Pale faces which made him turn his attention back to his companion.

“You said you’d make me believe,” he reminded just as the waitress came to the table with their drinks.

He watched as the waitress placed the lime, salt shaker and shot of Cuervo on the table. His companion bit into the lime, skipped the salt and then downed the tequila in one gulp before ordering another.

“Thirsty?” he asked as he paid in advance once again.

“Once guys see how things are, most of my dates don’t last beyond the first drink,” she admitted, a self-deprecating tone in her voice as she fidgeted with the empty shot glass, twirling and spinning it on the table top.

“Didn’t realize that buying you a drink made this a date,” he said, perplexed by the self-assurance on the surface that seemed to hide a well of vulnerability beneath.

“Not your usual type, I suspect,” she said and fully faced him.

Not his type? He wondered about that as he sipped at his shot of tequila and studied her. Her dark, nearly black hair fell in choppy layers against her roundish face. Cerulean blue eyes bore an exotic slant and hinted at extreme intelligence while pale, creamy skin appeared to be as soft as satin sheets.

The black leather jacket she wore fit tight against her body, accentuating both her slimness and slightness of stature, but the tank top beneath the jacket exposed the lushness of her curves.

He imagined exploring those curves. Raising that lean strong body up against his and slipping within.

Maybe his type, he thought, fighting back his body’s response especially since now that they were up close, he guessed her to be over a decade younger than his thirty-eight years of age.

“Don’t have a type and I’m not the kind to drink and run,” he offered, taking another sip of the Cuervo to quell the desire awakening within him.

She laughed, the tone of her merriment rich and uninhibited. It occurred to him that it had been a long time since he had allowed himself that kind of freedom, but she clearly was not one to hold back.

It only intrigued him even more, especially as she challenged with, “You may be the kind to run after you see what goes on in here.”

Elegantly raising her hand, she gestured in the direction of the farthest edges of the club close to where they sat. He could make out the shadows of people engaged in various activities in those nearly dark areas.

Leaning close to him, she said in hushed tones, “Look carefully if you dare.”

Her warm breath against the skin at the base of his neck was sweet. He imagined the kiss of that breath elsewhere and decided that it warranted the risk just so she would continue talking to him.

So that he might experience that sweetness elsewhere.

“I dare.”

Fun Friday – Sibling Rivalries and Double-Stuffed!

I saw ads for the Sibling Rivalry – the Mannings against the Williams – on the way to work and had to find out what it was about! So, what was it? Visit dsrl.com, the home of the Double Stuffed Racing League. LOL! You can watch more DSRL videos and make a Yooble. Check out my Yooble by clicking on this link.

Here’s one of the commercials for the DSRL which might give you a chuckle on this Fun Friday!

snoopylilLast but not least, doing the woo hoo dance here!

I wanted to share with you the first review for FURY CALLS which got 4.5 stars from Romantic Times! Wooo Hooo!

FURY CALLS (4.5) by Caridad Pineiro: When a vampire couple kills each other at the restaurant where she cooks, vampire chef Meghan Thomas teams up with Blake Richards — the man she hates for creating her undead life — to find out what made the pair kill each other in bloodlust. Determined to turn Meghan’s hatred of him into love, Blake gets a job at the restaurant and resolves to be a better person (vampire). But his resolve is tested when Meghan questions his loyalty. Piñeiro infuses her vampires with very human feelings, making her paranormal story seem realistic. It’s a great read!
—Alexandra Kay

Thank Alexandra and RT! You rock!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.