To Tweet or not to Tweet . . .

Tweet Tweet!To tweet or not to tweet, that is the question. Some of you may be wondering just what a tweet is. A tweet is a post using Twitter.

So now some of you may wondering, What’s Twitter? Wikipedia defines Twitter as “a social networking and micro-blogging service that allows its users to send and read other users’ updates (known as tweets), which are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length. Updates are displayed on the user’s profile page and delivered to other users who have signed up to receive them. ”

Lots of people are sending tweets. Some believe it is a useful way to promote yourself (see this discussion at Bubblecow) and others do not (see West Pier Words).

I’m undecided, although I’m leaning toward the not. Like Dot at West Pier Words, I’ve gone through the Shelfari, Gather, etc. thing only to find they take up too much time. I do have Myspace and Facebook pages. I’ve found them to be good for letting people know about the books and also, connecting with friends from all over. Same goes for this website and blog. It’s nice to hear from you and it does truly make a difference to me!

As for adding yet another thing to my life – my already crowded and busy life – I think I’ll forego the tweets for right now.

How about you? Do you Twitter? Do you find it for keeping up with friends? For those of you who are published authors, do you like it?

Also, a big thanks to my fellow author Chris Redding for the links to the Twitter discussion. You rock, Chris. You also tweet! LOL!

Fun Friday -Read a good book lately?

funny pictures
moar funny pictures

I don’t know about you, but I’m a cat person. Always have been. Always will be. I like dogs also, but there’s just something special about cats. My cat is finally warming up to me. Must be because I’m the only game left in town with daughter off to school and hubby traveling on business.

Thanks to my buddy Jamie for the finding the above shot. I hope I’ll have time this weekend to do some reading!

Have a great weekend.

Fun Friday – Happy Valentine’s Day

Click here to visit THE CALLING

This Fun Friday, I’m going to help you get ready for Valentine’s Day! I’m offering this advice from FRIENDS and thank my friend, Rayna Vause, for alerting me to this priceless clip. It’s a long one, so grab a glass of wine and pay close attention – especially all you guys!

Also, don’t forget that today is the last day to comment on these two blogs to be eligible to win some prizes — a CALLING T-shirt and copies of DESIRE CALLS and SOLDIER’S SECRET CHILD! – Just mention Caridad sent you on the blog!

TRC Reading Blogpspot – The blog is up so please drop by and leave a comment.