#MatineeMonday – Share your fav motion picture or television show!

I’ve been sharing some of my latest binge-worthy movies and televisions shows so how about sharing some of your own! Just to get it going, here are some of my all time fav movies!

    Sports Comedy/Romance – The Replacements with Keanu Reeves
    Sports Comedy – Waterboy with Adam Sandler
    Classic Movie – Gone with the Wind
    Romance – this is a tough one, but…. Pretty Woman
    Tearjerker – The Notebook
    LatinX – A Walk in the Clouds with Keanu Reeves
    Action – Armageddon (love Bruce Willis)
    TV Show – The Big Bang Theory

So come and share some of yours!

Original Popcorn Image by Merio from Pixabay

Original Camera Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Original Crowd Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

13 Favorite Books

Welcome to today’s Thursday Thirteen! I don’t know about you, but way before I was a writer, I was an avid reader and even now I try to get in a number of reads during the course of the year. Amongst those are some favorites which I’m sharing with you today. Feel free to add your favorite ones to the list!

    1. WOLF AND THE DOVE by Kathleen Woodiwiss
    2. NAKED IN DEATH by JD Robb
    3. The rest of the IN DEATH series by JD Robb
    4. WUTHERING HEIGHTS by Emily Bronte
    5. WE by Eugene Zamiatin
    6. LOOKING BACKWARD by Paul Bellamy
    7. SHANNA by Kathleen Woodiwiss
    9. PILLAR OF IRON by Taylor Caldwell
    10. GONE WITH THE WIND by Margaret Mitchell
    11. IN COLD BLOOD by Truman Capote
    12. BRAVE NEW WORLD by Aldous Huxley
    13. DARKNESS AT NOON by Arthur Koestler

As for what I’ll be reading this summer, I’m going to catch up on a lot of the IN DEATH series books I’ve missed, mix in some wonderfully romantic and sexy HARLEQUIN DESIREs and tackle ATLAS SHRUGGED by Ayn Rand. I’ve heard quite a bit about it and it seems like a great time to consider what happens when there is too much government in our lives.

To visit other Thursday Thirteeners, please click here.

Guilty Pleasures Monday – Clark Gable

Clip from Movie Trailer - Public Domain according to WikipediaI realized after last Monday’s Guilty Pleasure (the manly Eric Dane), that there were a number of old time favorites I had been ignoring on our Mondays together.

Sure there are tons of glorious new men for us to share, but there’s also a host of oldies who will live on thanks to the many movies in which they appeared.

Here’s one of my favorites – Clark Gable – and in one of my favorite books and movies of all time — GONE WITH THE WIND. Definitely a movie that needs to be seen on the big screen!

Was Clark one of your favorite oldtime stars? If not, who else is? Share with us on this Guilty Pleasures Monday.