#TransformationTuesday & Happy St. Patrick’s Day

It’s a weird kind of St. Patrick’s day with parades and other events canceled on account of the coronavirus situation. Truly scary times and challenging in so many ways. I hope you are all staying safe and sound.

As for me, I’m staying away from the gym this week and have set up a little workout area at home where I can lift some weights and do some yoga and other exercises. No sense taking risks at this point.

Speaking of working out, I figured I’d share this transformation photo with you today!
Transformation Tuesday

The NEVER A BRIDE blog tour continues and for a chance to win a $25 Gift Card, leave the comment “Caridad sent me!” at any of the blogs on the tour. You can find the tour stops at http://bit.ly/NeverABrideBlogTour and for now, here are today’s blog stops:

Books, Dreams, Life
Dog Eared Pages

#MotivationMonday – Getting Organized for a New Phase in Life

So there are big changes coming to my life and one of the things I’ve been tackling is getting organized for that new phase in my life. What does that involve?

Downsizing the house as well as all my stuff in the house. It’s been quite a chore so far to sort out what I’m keeping for our new smaller space. It has been especially difficult with the clothing since thanks to my weight ups-and-downs I have clothes in different sizes that I’ve kept. New Goal: Get rid of it.

Planning for next year’s writing. My June 2020 Hallmark book, SOUTH BEACH LOVE, is done and I’m just waiting on edits. #3 in the At the Shore series, NEVER A BRIDE, will be out in January 2020. I’ve got a mess of books in The Calling is Reborn series to re-release as well as writing FIGHT TO LOVE which many of you have requested. I’ve also got a new book to write for Sourcebooks and I’m excited about this one since my goal is to include many of my family’s stories about our escape from the communist dictatorship in Cuba and the liberty and success we have found in the United States. To keep all that in order, I’ve gotten out the calendar and a notebook to track what I’ll be doing, namely a new release every month, whether they be new stories, traditionally published, or indie re-releases.

Getting healthier. As you may know from visiting, I’m committed to losing weight and getting healthier. I’ve been good about keeping to a workout routine and also watching what I eat. Next year may prove to be a challenge as I’m going to have to change up that routine, but my goal is to adapt and stick to it.
Set Goals and Get organized on Motivation Monday
Original Image by William Iven from Pixabay

#WorkoutWednesday – The Bear Crawl

I haven’t shared progress in a month and am sad to say there’s been little progress. In fact, a setback with all the wedding prep and celebrations. But I’m back at it and trying not to get frustrated, which happens often on this health journey of mine. For today I’m sharing an exercise that I’ve heard a lot about and have to try: The Bear Crawl. When you watch this video you’ll think, looks easy enough, but I’m told it’s not. The nice thing about it is that it works all parts of your body and you can do it anywhere you have enough space. No weights or fancy equipment to do this exercise. Always a good thing if you’re not near a gym. If you see me doing this on the beach next summer, join in!

Agility exercise workout bear crawl

Thanks to Jason Thomas at www.ironwarriortraining.com for the Bear Crawl Video!
Original Image by Rain Carnation from Pixabay

#WellnessWednesday #WorkoutWednesday – WOO HOO I met my goal!

This was not an easy month for me on my transformation journey. I was at two conferences back-to-back which meant totally different workout schedules and a much harder to control environment with respect to my eating. At the first conference, I did not have access to a gym facility so I turned to longer walks and even some jogging. I am so not a runner. Think of the tortoise and that’s me, but I did it.

At the second conference, I had access to a gym and with my trusty roommate, I managed to get in some aerobic exercise almost every day. However, I was sitting more than usual and the last two days were difficult in light of various meetings that involved food. Mostly carbs. YIKES!

Despite that, I managed to meet my goal of losing another five pounds in July. I actually lost an additional .6 pounds. Since April 1 when I first started sharing my journey, I’ve lost 27.2 pounds! WOO HOO!

At the last conference, a number of people asked how I did it and so I’m here to share some wellness and workout tips!

On the wellness issue, I’ve virtually cut out diet soda and all fake sweeteners. I use a minimal amount of sugar in my coffee. I hydrate by drinking lots of water and thanks to my Sodastream, carbonated water and one diet soda with dinner.

I’ve cut out carbs like pasta and bread and instead have more fruits and vegetables. I keep my meat portions to between 4 and 6 ounces depending on the nature of the protein.

My daily goal for calories is between 1200 and 1300 and I do allow myself a sweet snack after dinner, usually chocolate or some kind of “thin” cookies. My favs are the Cranberry Almond Thins and Oreo Thins.

As for my workout regimen, once I reach Penn Station I walk to my office in the morning and back at night. That’s almost three miles of walking right there. I also make it a point to get up from my desk every hour and take a short walk around the office, usually to drop off papers.

At night I head to my local Y. Two nights a week I do cardio, usually the elliptical for 40 or so minutes. The other two nights I do strength and balance training. I am a real clutz and need all the help I can get and I am much more balanced and I feel much stronger.

Friday is a free night to just be a couch potato.

On Saturday and Sunday, I take long strolls along the boardwalk, usually one in the morning after a writing marathon and another in the afternoon or after dinner. I confess that sometimes we go and get ices or ice cream on that walk, but usually something small. Moderation is key.

So that’s it! That’s how I’ve been transforming myself and getting healthier and stronger. If you want to do it, you can too!
Caridad's Transformation

#ManCandyMonday – Joe Wicks The Body Coach

Every week I scour the Internet for Man Candy worthy candidates. It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it! Today’s choice is Joe Wicks also known as The Body Coach. Joe is regular presenter on TV and an author of several cooking and fitness books. Joe preaches lean eating and HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workouts. You can check him out on his website at https://www.thebodycoach.com/. Thanks to Joe’s Instagram for this post!

A post shared by Joe Wicks (@thebodycoach) on

#FitnessFriday – Get Fit! 5 Tips that have worked for me!

My goal for the last year or more has been not only to lose weight, but to get more physically fit so that as I get older, I’ll be healthier. With that in mind I started eating healthier and being more active. That’s proven successful for me and I feel so much better and stronger. So today I’m sharing some of the things I’ve done that I think have help me get more fit.

    1. If you sit at a desk all day long like I do, get a timer and have it go off every 30 minutes or so to remind you to get up and move. I do a quick stroll around my office to drop off mail and files when I do my walk. If you have a tracker like the Fitbit, you can set an alarm. I just get so involved that I don’t notice it and need something louder, like a timer with a bell.

    2. Try to do at least 10,000 steps a day of walking. I stay true to that thanks to my Fitbit. Disclosure I own some stock for it, but I bought the stock because I loved the product. If you want to join me on Fitbit, you can find me here: https://www.fitbit.com/user/3GZT48. I’m friends with several people and we often challenge each other to a Workweek Hustle or Weekend Warrior challenge to inspire us to be more active.

    3. Find an exercise/walk buddy. If you’ve got a partner to do it with, you help each other stick to it. Hubby and I hit the Y together almost every day and then do walks/workouts together on the weekend.

    4. Find something you like to do. I like to walk and lift weights. Also like the elliptical and biking. My sis loves yoga. If you stay active with something you like instead of something you have to do, you’re more likely to keep it up.

    5. Develop a habit of being more active. Whether it’s going to the Y or for a walk around the neighborhood, make it part of your daily schedule.

I hope these tips help you too to become more fit!

#TransformationTuesday #TuesdayTip Walking Your Way to Better Health

A little while ago I posted a photo of myself and my transformation. 40 pounds lost and working on losing another 30.

Of course, a large part of that is diet and anyone that tells you that you can lose weight without eating healthier has a bridge to sell you (will kids even understand that saying today?).

Exercise, while important for losing weight, is also important for improving your overall health. It’s not good to be sedentary and even the smallest amount of movement will benefit you.

When I took the first step in my transformation, it was literally a first step: walking my way to health. It’s a great form of exercise and little by little I built up to how much I walk. Today I usually do about five miles a day (if not more) over the course of the day. How do I do that? Walking everywhere I can and having my Fitbit buddies challenge me to new goals.

My favorite place to walk is the beach, of course, but anywhere will do and it doesn’t take much. Just 15 minutes a day has been shown to improve your overall health.

If you’d like to get started, here are some links with good articles on the benefits of walking!

The Benefits of Walking by Real Simple
Benefits of Walking by Arthritis.org
Trim Your Waistline, Improve Your Health by Mayo Clinic
This is Your Body on Walking by Prevention Magazine (I personally love this magazine!)
3 New Walking Workouts to Blast Fat by Prevention

Another hint for those who work in an office and sit all day: Buy a cheap kitchen timer and set it to go off every half an hour. Get up, walk around, move, squat, lift, do anything! Be Mobile. You will feel the difference in your body once this becomes a regular habit.
